Existing OfflineSomething I have come to realize very recently is I just don’t feel motivated to play games for the most part. A large part of playing…Jun 19, 202023Jun 19, 202023
That’s How Girls are Supposed to FeelLearning all of the things the complete disconnection with my physical body sheltered me from has made for an interesting ride lately. The…Jun 8, 202028Jun 8, 202028
Lensmoor MUD — A ReviewLensmoor is a ROM based mud that has been around since 1997. One can even find a post as far back as 1999 on the note board from their…Nov 18, 201925Nov 18, 201925
Wheel of Time MUD: A ReviewWoTMUD is a circle engine MUD that has been around for as long as it could have been essentially having been founded in 1993. It is…Sep 22, 201918Sep 22, 201918
Match of the Millennium: A ReviewMotM is a MUCK (roleplaying story focused MU*) that pins itself to one of the most unlikely of universes: fighting games. Not just one…Sep 15, 2019Sep 15, 2019
Rocko’s PerilsRocko’s Modern Life recently got its own Netflix special. This isn’t in and of itself much of an achievement given how freely Netflix…Aug 16, 2019Aug 16, 2019
Lament MUD: A ReviewLament has been around since December 25, 2008 and as of today runs on a highly-modified Lima Mudlib with MudOS v22.2a25, which for those…Jun 11, 20196Jun 11, 20196
The Delta of Was and Will BeThe MUD Jam brought new opportunities to concentrate on a singular part of the Warrens platform; not just a new feature or mechanic but…May 21, 2019May 21, 2019
Dragonball Z: Fighter’s Edition: A MUD ReviewDBZ:FE doesn’t offer a whole lot of lore or history for itself, stating simply that it is circa 2013–2019 and comes to us from ThunderZ…May 4, 201950May 4, 201950
You’re Fighting the Wrong BattlePolitics are not my mainstay for article topics. You can scan my somewhat small library here: gaming, game design, mental illness and…Apr 3, 2019Apr 3, 2019
Re-Enter the (Multi-User) DungeonI’m not sure I can bring the eloquence that was had with last year’s announcement but it’s a year later and we’ve got a new MUDJam. Entry…Apr 3, 20191Apr 3, 20191
Last Outpost MUD: A ReviewThe Last Outpost has been around for nearly as long as any MUD could have been having gone live in 1992. Given its age it’s no surprise it…Apr 2, 201952Apr 2, 201952
Substrate: noun; an underlying substance or layerIt’s been a while and things have progressed far deeper than I had originally anticipated. For memory’s sake…Mar 30, 20191Mar 30, 20191
Off the Cliff ep6: SubstratumI’ve been toying with something like this basically forever and finally realized what I’ve been trying to articulate. I am going to link my…Sep 20, 201852Sep 20, 201852
Fill at WillNormally this would be a place where I talk about design—and in a way this will be—but in many other ways it won’t. I’d like to go through…Aug 19, 2018Aug 19, 2018
The Ring is the ThingPeople keep saying to “put a ring on it” so I did. I put a ring on the MUD Coders Guild: a Webring.Jul 10, 2018Jul 10, 2018
Casting a Seine ep1: Progression SystemsA new series. While the “well” is more about a deep dive into my own design work and the “help files” is about identifying a specific…May 28, 2018May 28, 2018